Final Fantasy 16: A masterpiece of visual design and presentation

The release of a new Final Fantasy game is always an eagerly anticipated event for fans around the world. It’s a series known for its captivating worlds, memorable characters, and epic battles, all accompanied by a stellar soundtrack and stunning visuals. In today’s gaming landscape, where day one patches and technical issues have become the norm, Square Enix’s latest production, Final Fantasy 16, stands as a shining example of what a polished and immersive gaming experience can be.

Final Fantasy 16 arrives in excellent condition, providing players with the exact experience the developers intended from the beginning. It is undoubtedly one of the most polished games of the year, offering a seamless and engaging journey into its dark and political story. Developed by Creative Business Unit 3 within Square Enix, Final Fantasy 16 takes a departure from the traditional formula, delivering a fast-paced, action-driven RPG that pushes the boundaries of the series.

Built using cutting-edge technology created specifically for the game, Final Fantasy 16 takes advantage of the power of the PlayStation 5 console. While the exact details of the technology remain undisclosed, it is speculated that it draws inspiration from the work done on Final Fantasy 14, albeit greatly enhanced. The development team had the freedom to implement new features designed for this hardware platform, resulting in a remarkably solid and visually stunning experience.

Character rendering and animation in Final Fantasy 16 demonstrate Square Enix’s expertise in bringing lifelike and expressive models to life. The attention to detail is remarkable, with meticulously crafted character designs, realistic facial expressions, and intricate costumes. Each character feels like a work of art, with micro details that rival pre-rendered videos of the past. The game strikes a balance between the stylized Square Enix character design and a more grounded aesthetic, resulting in visually appealing and believable characters.

One of the standout features of Final Fantasy 16’s character presentation is its command of shadow. The game utilizes ray-traced shadows or other advanced shadow techniques to create clean, precise shadows that enhance the overall visual fidelity. The interplay between different materials, such as leather, fabric, and metal, is also remarkably well-executed, with realistic light reflection and scattering across each surface.

The game seamlessly transitions between different types of cutscenes, offering a mix of high-detail cinematic sequences and simplified scenes for conversations with non-playable characters. The main story sequences are among the best in the industry, featuring high-detail models, smooth animations, and impressive visual effects. However, there can be a noticeable discrepancy in quality between these A-tier cutscenes and the B and C-tier sequences, which can feel slightly less polished.

In terms of animation, Final Fantasy 16 excels both in cutscenes and gameplay. Character movement feels fluid and natural, with intricate details such as foot inverse kinematics and dynamic weapon swings. Combat is a sublime experience, with Clive, the game’s protagonist, effortlessly maneuvering through battles, accompanied by visually striking particle effects and lighting.

The game’s environments are a testament to the beauty of Final Fantasy 16’s visual design. While not an open-world game, the world is divided into large interconnected areas that create the illusion of a vast and immersive experience. Players can explore magnificent medieval cities, underground fortresses, and sprawling open fields, each offering its unique visual style and atmosphere. The environments are visually stunning and provide a sense of wonder and discovery as players navigate through the game’s world.

Final Fantasy 16 showcases the capabilities of the PlayStation 5, with impressive technical performance in terms of frame rate and resolution. While not the most cutting-edge experience on the market, the game’s solid performance and attention to detail make it an impressive visual spectacle.

A Visual and Auditory Masterpiece with Some Performance Concerns

Final Fantasy 16, the highly anticipated installment in the beloved Final Fantasy franchise, offers players a breathtaking visual experience accompanied by a captivating soundtrack. The game showcases stunning environments, intricate details, and impressive lighting effects. However, while the game excels in many areas, there are some performance issues that need to be addressed. In this article, we will explore the game’s remarkable art design, discuss the importance of lighting and shadows, and delve into the audio experience. We will also examine the performance concerns and provide insights into the different gameplay modes available.

Stunning Art Design and Detailed Environments:

Final Fantasy 16 impresses players with its beautifully crafted environments and attention to detail. The game utilizes high-density meshes and detailed textures to create visually stunning scenes. From intricately decorated structures to vast landscapes, each location is filled with exquisite geometry that adds to the sense of scale. The game’s artistry shines through in areas like the castle entryway, where light spills from outside, indirectly illuminating the surroundings. The game’s environments are not only visually appealing but also feature natural shadows and shading that enhance the overall presentation.

Importance of Lighting and Shadows:

Final Fantasy 16 showcases the importance of lighting and shadows in creating an immersive experience. While the game does not have dynamic time of day, the lighting has been baked out as light maps. However, variable times of day and weather conditions occur based on story progress, adding diversity to the lighting. Baking out the lighting allows for dramatic results, as seen in the castle entryway where light spills into the interior space, beautifully illuminating the surroundings. The game’s robust ambient occlusion solution ensures natural shadowy depth, preventing objects from appearing as if they’re floating in the scene. Natural shadows are also present in outdoor environments, with darkening effects within the thicket where leaves and branches intersect.

Audio Excellence and Memorable Soundtrack:

The music in Final Fantasy 16 is a standout feature, with composer Masayoshi Soken, known for his work on Final Fantasy 14, delivering a sublime soundtrack. The game features a wide range of tracks that perfectly match the on-screen action, immersing players in the game world. From beautiful remixes of the series’ Crystal theme to evocative exploration music, the soundtrack spans eight compact discs, demonstrating the depth and quality of the compositions. The voice performances in the game are also outstanding, with compelling deliveries that enhance the storytelling.

Performance Concerns and Gameplay Modes:

While Final Fantasy 16 offers an exceptional visual and auditory experience, there are performance concerns that players should be aware of. The game provides players with the option to choose between quality mode and performance mode. Quality mode offers a stable 30 frames per second (FPS) experience, while performance mode aims for a higher frame rate but suffers from resolution drops and image quality issues. The performance mode, though not perfect, delivers better frame rates during combat sequences, where resolution drops significantly. However, during exploration, the mode struggles to maintain a consistent frame rate and suffers from image quality degradation.


Final Fantasy 16 shines as a visual and auditory masterpiece, offering players breathtaking environments, intricate details, and an unforgettable soundtrack. The game’s lighting and shadow effects add depth and immersion to the scenes, creating a visually stunning experience. While there are some performance concerns, particularly in the performance mode, the game’s quality mode provides a stable and enjoyable gameplay experience. Final Fantasy 16 stands as a testament to the dedication and artistry of the development team, despite some areas that could benefit from further optimization.

A Triumph in Game Art and Animation

Final Fantasy 16 has captured the hearts of gamers with its stunning visuals, intricate character designs, and captivating animation. In this article, we will explore the exceptional game art and animation of Final Fantasy 16, diving into the details that make it stand out from the crowd. From the meticulously crafted character models to the breathtaking environments, Square Enix has truly achieved a victory in visual design.

Character Design and Rendering:

The characters in Final Fantasy 16 are not meant to be photorealistic; instead, they embrace the distinctive Square Enix house style. With fancy hair, smooth skin, and detailed outfits, the character designs are a key focus. The facial and hair rendering stand out, with dynamic lights dancing across the characters’ surfaces, revealing intricate details like whiskers and pores. The hair, although using a traditional alpha texture card system, is still sublime in design. The clothing and armor also showcase beautifully crafted materials, such as leather, fabric, and metal, which possess realistic properties despite their stylized designs.

The Mastery of Shadow:

One of the secrets to Final Fantasy 16’s character presentation lies in its command of shadows. The game employs clean and precise shadow casting, elevating the visual quality to almost CGI levels. The use of ray traced shadows or other advanced techniques ensures that the self-shadows are devoid of artifacts and possess proper contact hardening. This attention to detail extends to the environments as well, where shadows play a crucial role in grounding the characters within the scenes.

Cutscene Presentation:

Final Fantasy 16’s cutscenes are among the best in the gaming industry, with exceptional attention to detail and smooth animation. The main story sequences are beautifully directed, featuring high-detail models, minimal clipping, per-pixel motion blur, and depth of field effects. However, there can be a discrepancy in quality between these A-tier cutscenes and the B and C-tier sequences, where characters may appear less polished and limited in animation. Nonetheless, the overall presentation of the cast is of excellent quality, showcasing Square Enix’s achievements in visual storytelling.

Fluid Animation and Combat:

The game’s animation extends beyond cutscenes to gameplay, where character movements and combat feel sublime. The animation intricacies, including proper foot IK and dramatic weapon swings, add a sense of realism and fluidity to the combat. Clive, the main protagonist, moves effortlessly, and the attention to detail is evident in the robust cape physics, minimized clipping, and plausible weapon attachment. The seamless transition between cutscenes and gameplay enhances the overall experience.


While not an open-world game, Final Fantasy 16’s environments are visually stunning and captivating to explore. Divided into several large chunks, the interconnected areas create the illusion of a vast explorable space. The attention to detail is evident, with intricate geometric structures, high-density meshes, and detailed textures. The lighting, including baked light maps and ambient occlusion, adds depth and realism to the scenes. Motion, such as wind simulation, further immerses players in the environments.

Final Fantasy 16’s game art and animation are a triumph for Square Enix. From the meticulously designed characters and their rendering to the breathtaking environments, the game showcases a level of detail and craftsmanship rarely seen. The mastery of shadows, the seamless integration of cutscenes and gameplay, and the fluid combat animation contribute to an immersive experience. While there are some minor nitpicks, such as resolution scaling choices and performance issues, the overall presentation of Final Fantasy 16 sets a new standard for visual design in video games.

A Comprehensive Review of Performance, Art, and Music

Final Fantasy 16 has captured the hearts of gamers with its stunning art, captivating storytelling, and an immersive musical score. In this review, we will delve into the performance modes, explore the intricacies of the game’s visuals, and celebrate the remarkable musical experience that Final Fantasy 16 offers.

Performance Modes: Quality vs. Performance

When it comes to performance modes, the quality mode shines as the recommended option for a steady experience. Despite targeting 30 frames per second (fps), the game maintains a consistent and smooth performance in most situations. While there are occasional frame rate dips, the majority of the game remains locked at 30 fps. This mode aligns with the developers’ intentions and serves as the default choice.

The performance mode, on the other hand, presents a more inconsistent experience. Although the recent patch does not significantly improve this mode, there is an intriguing discovery. During combat, the frame rate jumps to a near-stable 60 fps, creating a smooth and enjoyable experience. This mode prioritizes frame rate stability in battles, even during intense clashes with impressive special effects. However, exploration suffers from choppiness and a noticeable drop in image quality.

Understanding the Oddity in Performance Mode

The peculiar behavior of performance mode can be attributed to intentional design choices. It appears that the game dynamically adjusts its internal resolution, lowering it to as low as 720p during combat. While this sacrifices image quality, it significantly improves frame rate consistency. It is possible that the developers prioritize visual detail during exploration but scale back the resolution during combat. With this understanding, players who can tolerate the choppy exploration and reduced image quality may find performance mode satisfactory for combat.

Improving Performance Mode: Future Possibilities

Although the exact rendering budget of the developers remains unknown, potential improvements for performance mode can be suggested. Reducing the graphics settings further in both exploration and combat would prioritize frame rate consistency. Additionally, considering reconstruction solutions, such as FSR1 or alternative techniques, could potentially enhance the game’s performance. While limitations in hardware may pose challenges, a path to a smoother 60 fps experience seems plausible in theory.

Cutscenes and Loading Times: A Mixed Bag

Regardless of the mode chosen, all of the game’s cutscenes are displayed at a consistent 30 fps, ensuring high image quality during these major sequences. Furthermore, Final Fantasy 16 impresses with its lightning-fast loading times, setting a new standard for this generation. The absence of traditional loading screens, with the game swiftly transitioning between scenes, evokes the nostalgia of classic cartridge games. Returning to the game from the PS5’s home menu results in an almost instantaneous loading experience, bypassing company logos and immersing players back into the action promptly.

The Musical Journey and Voice Performances

Music has always been a pillar of the Final Fantasy franchise, and Final Fantasy 16 continues this tradition with a sublime soundtrack. Composed by Masayoshi Soken, known for his outstanding work on Final Fantasy 14, the game’s music is a true work of art. From beautiful remixes of classic themes to evocative exploration melodies, every track enhances the gameplay experience. The music synchronizes flawlessly with on-screen action, eliciting emotions and immersing players in the game’s world.

Additionally, the voice performances in Final Fantasy 16 are exceptional, possibly the best in the series’ history. The English voiceover provides excellent lip sync, showcasing the talent of the voice actors. However, it is worth noting that lip sync is only valid for the English soundtrack, and players opting for different languages may lose this aspect. Nevertheless, the game supports proper surround sound, delivering a remarkable audio experience with deep bass and immersive effects.

Final Fantasy 16 offers a remarkable gaming experience, combining exceptional visuals, captivating storytelling, and an immersive musical score. The quality mode provides a stable performance with stunning art, while the performance mode showcases smoother combat at the cost of exploration quality. Despite some minor drawbacks, the game’s performance, music, and voice acting contribute to an unforgettable journey. Final Fantasy 16 is a testament to the harmonious collaboration of technology and art, providing a solid and enjoyable gaming experience.

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