The Ultimate Guide to SDXL Prompts

What is Stable Diffusion XL?

Stable Diffusion, or SD for short, is a groundbreaking technology that has revolutionized the way we generate AI-based images. SDXL takes this a step further by offering generation in 1024 resolution, providing an unparalleled level of detail. Essentially, it’s the same stable diffusion you know and love, but with a lot more pixels to play with.

What Makes a Good Stable Diffusion Prompt?

Creating a good Stable Diffusion prompt is both an art and a science. The prompt should be clear, concise, and specific. Vague or overly complex prompts can lead to unexpected or unsatisfactory results. The key is to guide the AI in a direction that aligns with your vision, without stifling its creative potential.

How Do You Weight Stable Diffusion Prompts?

Weighting in Stable Diffusion prompts is a way to prioritize certain aspects of the generated image. By assigning different weights to different parts of the prompt, you can influence the AI’s focus. For example, if you want the AI to pay more attention to the background than the foreground, you could weight the background prompt more heavily.

Mastering the Art of Weighted Prompts: Examples and Outcomes

Weighted Prompt Example 1:

**Prompt:** “A portrait of a woman with curly hair {weight: 0.7}, smiling {weight: 0.5}, against a backdrop of cherry blossoms {weight: 0.8}.”

**Expected Result:** The AI will prioritize the backdrop of cherry blossoms (0.8) over the woman’s curly hair (0.7) and her smile (0.5). You’ll get a detailed background filled with cherry blossoms, a woman with curly hair, and a smile, but the focus will be more on the background.

Weighted Prompt Example 2:

**Prompt:** “A woman in her 30s {weight: 0.3} wearing a vintage 1920s flapper dress {weight: 0.9}, looking confidently into the camera {weight: 0.6}.”

**Expected Result:** The AI will focus heavily on the vintage 1920s flapper dress (0.9), followed by her confident look (0.6), and less on her being in her 30s (0.3). The resulting image will likely feature a very detailed flapper dress, with a confident expression on the woman’s face.

Weighted Prompt Example 3:

**Prompt:** “A black-and-white portrait {weight: 0.8} of a woman with short hair {weight: 0.5}, wearing a leather jacket {weight: 0.7}, exuding a rebellious vibe {weight: 0.6}.”

**Expected Result:** The black-and-white aspect of the portrait will be the most prominent feature (0.8), followed by the leather jacket (0.7) and the rebellious vibe (0.6). The woman’s short hair will be the least emphasized element (0.5). The image will be a striking black-and-white portrait, with a focus on the leather jacket and a rebellious atmosphere.

Weighted Prompt Example 4:

**Prompt:** “A woman {weight: 0.2} in a sunflower field {weight: 0.9} during sunset {weight: 0.8}.”

**Expected Result:** The AI will focus primarily on the sunflower field (0.9) and the sunset (0.8), with less emphasis on the woman (0.2). The resulting image will likely be a breathtaking landscape of a sunflower field bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, with a woman present but not as the main focus.

Weighted prompts allow for nuanced control over the AI’s focus, enabling you to create images that emphasize the elements most important to you. By understanding how to effectively use weights, you can fine-tune your prompts to get precisely the results you desire.

What is an Example of a Good Stable Diffusion Prompt?

A good Stable Diffusion prompt could be something like “A serene lakeside at sunset with vibrant colors reflecting in the water.” This prompt is specific enough to guide the AI but leaves room for creative interpretation. 

# Crafting the Perfect Image Prompt for Women’s Portraits: Good vs. Bad Examples

Good Prompt Example 1: 

**Prompt:** “A close-up portrait of a woman with curly brown hair, smiling, with a soft-focus background of cherry blossoms.”

**Expected Result:** The AI will generate a detailed close-up portrait focusing on a woman with curly brown hair. She will be smiling, and the background will feature cherry blossoms in soft focus, adding a dreamy, ethereal quality to the image.

Bad Prompt Example 1:

**Prompt:** “A woman.”

**Expected Result:** This prompt is too vague and could result in any kind of image featuring a woman. There’s no guidance on the setting, mood, or any specific features, leading to unpredictable and likely unsatisfactory results.

Good Prompt Example 2:

**Prompt:** “A woman in her 30s wearing a vintage 1920s flapper dress, looking confidently into the camera against a backdrop of a jazz club.”

**Expected Result:** The AI will generate an image of a woman in her 30s, dressed in a 1920s flapper outfit. She will be looking confidently into the camera, and the background will depict the ambiance of a jazz club, complete with instruments and perhaps some patrons.

Bad Prompt Example 2:

**Prompt:** “A woman in a dress.”

**Expected Result:** Again, this prompt is too general. The AI has no information on the type of dress, the setting, or the mood you’re aiming for. You’ll likely get a random image of a woman in some kind of dress, but it may not meet your specific needs.

Good Prompt Example 3:

**Prompt:** “A black-and-white portrait of a woman with short hair, wearing a leather jacket, exuding a rebellious vibe.”

**Expected Result:** The AI will generate a black-and-white image capturing a woman with short hair and a leather jacket. The mood will be rebellious, perhaps with a smoky or gritty background to enhance the vibe.

Bad Prompt Example 3:

**Prompt:** “A woman in black and white.”

**Expected Result:** This prompt is not specific enough to guide the AI effectively. While you may get a black-and-white image of a woman, there’s no telling what her appearance or the mood of the image will be.

By crafting specific, descriptive prompts, you can guide the AI to generate images that closely align with your vision. On the other hand, vague prompts often lead to unpredictable and unsatisfactory results. The key is to find the right balance between specificity and creative freedom.

What is Positive and Negative Prompt in Stable Diffusion?

Positive prompts guide the AI towards what you want to see in the generated image, while negative prompts specify what you want to avoid. For instance, a positive prompt might be “lush greenery,” and a negative prompt could be “no buildings.” This would instruct the AI to focus on natural elements while avoiding any man-made structures.

Does Stable Diffusion Allow NSFW?

Stable Diffusion technology itself doesn’t inherently restrict content, but it’s crucial to adhere to the guidelines and policies of the platform you’re using. Most platforms have strict rules against generating NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content.

What is Stable Diffusion Prompts with Seeds?

Seeds in Stable Diffusion are essentially unique identifiers that ensure the reproducibility of a generated image. By using the same seed with the same prompt, you can generate the same image multiple times. This is particularly useful for fine-tuning and iterative design processes.

User Interfaces for Stable Diffusion


Artbreeder is an online platform that allows users to create and explore images generated through Stable Diffusion and other algorithms. It offers a user-friendly interface and various customization options.


Runway is another online service that provides access to Stable Diffusion models. It is geared towards artists and designers and offers a more professional set of tools.


DeepArt is a web-based application that uses Stable Diffusion for style transfer. It allows users to upload an image and choose a style to apply to it.

Local Installs

ComfyUI and Automatic1111: Pioneering Tools for Stable Diffusion

ComfyUI: A User-Friendly Interface for AI

ComfyUI is a graphical user interface designed to make it easier for users to interact with various AI models, including Stable Diffusion. The tool aims to simplify the complexities of AI algorithms, offering a more intuitive way to generate images or perform other tasks. With its drag-and-drop features and user-friendly controls, ComfyUI is ideal for those who may not have a technical background but still want to explore the capabilities of Stable Diffusion.

ComfyUI often comes with pre-configured settings for Stable Diffusion, allowing users to generate high-quality images with minimal effort. Users can easily adjust parameters like resolution, sampling steps, and other variables to fine-tune the output.

Automatic1111: A Versatile Local Tool

Automatic1111 is a more advanced tool that is generally used locally on a user’s machine. It offers a wide range of customization options and is geared towards those who have a deeper understanding of AI algorithms. Automatic1111 allows users to load different AI models, including Stable Diffusion, and offers more granular control over the generation process.

Automatic1111 is particularly useful for Stable Diffusion as it allows for a high degree of customization. Users can input specific prompts, adjust weights, and even use seeds to generate unique images. The tool also supports batch processing, making it easier to produce multiple images in a single run.

Both ComfyUI and Automatic1111 serve as valuable tools in the realm of Stable Diffusion, catering to different user needs. Whether you’re a beginner looking for a simple interface or an advanced user seeking more control, these tools offer something for everyone.

Online Services

Google Colab

Google Colab is a popular choice for running Stable Diffusion algorithms. It offers free GPU resources and is accessible through a web browser.

AWS and Azure

Cloud services like AWS and Azure offer more robust solutions for running Stable Diffusion algorithms but come at a cost.

DeepArt Premium

DeepArt offers a premium service that allows for higher-resolution images and faster processing times.

Runway Subscription

Runway offers a subscription model that provides additional features like batch processing and higher-quality outputs.

By understanding the various tools and platforms available for Stable Diffusion, you can choose the one that best suits your needs, whether you’re a casual user or a professional looking for more advanced options.

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